Local Groups & Events

* Community Garden - Gibson Road Project

Weblink: SUTTONfx – Community Garden (Gibson Road)

Creating a garden for all the Community

There is a patch of land beside St Nicholas Church. It’s right by the civic offices and under the shadow of the Gibson Road car park.

The plot of land is overgrown. It has become an area that is associated with litter and anti-social behaviour.

The land is marked 18 on the land registry map. It’s the area highlighted and belongs to the council.

We have a vision for a new community garden right in the heart of Sutton. A space for all community groups to use, whether young or old.

We will work with volunteers to clear the overgrowth and create a mixed garden including a social orchard a small allotment space to promote growing food and a Memorial Wall to commemorate the key workers and others that bore the bunt of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Are you interested in helping?

Contact: jeff@suttonfx.com

* Sutton New Town Community Festival

Weblink: Sutton New Town Community Festival – Celebrating our neighbourhood

Additional Information

We arrange and promote community festivals and events for the benefit of the inhabitants of Sutton New Town and the surrounding area.  Sutton New Town is the area east of the Sutton’s High Street and stretches from Manor Park towards the boundary with Carshalton

Our purpose is to promote social inclusion and community cohesion through staging shared events and activities for the people of the Sutton New Town area irrespective of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender. 

* Friends of Oaks Park

Weblink: Friends of Oaks Park, Carshalton

Additional Information

Friends of Oaks Park was formally constituted in 1997 and recognised by the Council. It is a voluntary group of people who care about the Oaks Park and do all we can to support it. We have a small committee of up to 10 people and our officers are elected at our annual meeting in November. 

The group works in an advisory capacity with the Council and its contractors to promote the park and ensure the highest standards of maintenance are achieved. We also work closely with the leaseholders of the café and others to improve the amenities available. From time to time, we organise working parties of volunteers to undertake specific jobs around the park, including tree planting, dead-heading and planting bulbs. We also run information stands at larger events, such as the Carshalton Artists’ Open Studios (CAOS) weekends in June. 

We represent the Oaks on Sutton Council’s Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee and have been successful in securing public realm funding for a number of projects

* Ladies Walk & Talk

Thursdays 7.00PM – St Mary Church – Beddington Park.

* Mens Walk & Talk

Tuesdays 6.30PM – St Mary Church – Beddington Park.

* Beginners Bike Rides

Saturdays 2.00pm – Nonsuch Mansion Café – Nonsuch Park.

* Trans Clinic


The James O’Riordan Medical Centre 70 Stonecott Hill SM3 9HE


The next Sutton Soup is 13th October 2022.

Weblink: Sutton Soup

Sutton Soup – It’s the sociable way of raising money for local good causes.  ​You come along and pay £8 for a meal of homemade soup and bread.  You get to hear four pitches from local people who need funding for a project that benefits the Sutton community.  You get to vote for the one you like best.  The winner of the vote gets to keep ALL the money we take on the door on the night.  That means your £8!  By coming together that £8 turns into hundreds of pounds for the winner.

* Hackbridge Community Clean-Up & Litter Pick

Saturday Mornings 9.30-11.00 Meet at The All Tile & Ceramic Shop Next to the Community notice Board - Hackbridge

Hosted By: Hackbridge Litterpickers

Litter Pickers Bags and Gloves can be provided for anyone who needs them

* Wallington Farmers Market

Second Saturday of Every Month Venue: Old Town Hall and Library Gardens, Woodcote Rd, Wallington SM6 0NB

Wallington Farmers’ Market is held from 9am to 1pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at the Old Town Hall and Library Gardens in Woodcote Road, Wallington – see further details here

Established in 1999, it is the borough’s oldest Farmers’ Market and hosts around 28 local producers stalls every month.